Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh, the wonders of life.

Are we really real, or are we actually just one human, living in a false and fake world? When we're in the water, are we actually wet? Does the reverse of the reverse side of a mirror have a reflection of the reverse side? Is there actually a parallel universe inside of us? A universe so small, trillions of them would not even come close to a period at the end of a sentence? Is creating a black hole inside of a planet possible (with the red matter, yes, I know, but really).
Lol. Star Trek. Went to see it with a couple of my buddies a few weeks ago. IT WAS AWESOME. Really. I'm totally not kidding.
What the heck was I going to talk about again? >.< Argh. I always forget important stuff like this. I remember all the little things, but just not those HUGE major things. Talk about stupid. T_T (Yeah, go ahead and laugh. I can see you all smirking right now. You don't have to hold it in).
RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY: In Rome, 7.7 percent of all wine consumed is consumed by tourists.
Now I remember. Ah. I'm going on a major vacation this summer. 2 different countries, 1 cruise, 2 puppies, etc. Lol. You're probably staring at the computer like: Wtf. What is wrong with this girl? Well, there's a lot of things. -coughcoughOCDcoughcough-

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