Saturday, March 21, 2009


Sorry, people (if you're there), but I had so much stuff to do (STRESS). So yeah. Anyways, about the title of this little blurb of writing. Does anyone know about No? Well, I highly recommend going there. You'll be amazed at how cute things can be, even if the world seems dark and dreary to you :D Just kidding. But looking at that always brightens up my day. I also have their calender (go to Kohls or something). And I just (meaning 3 months ago) found out that there was a too (also on Blogspot). Wow.
Has anyone read No Promises in the Wind? Just wondering...we're doing something with that in class... oh CRUD I forgot! I have to make a darn cover! Fiddlesticks (such an old expression I know be quiet).
G2g, now. I have homework again (over the weekend). Then I have to do some of my mother's extra homework. It's not easy being Asian, you know.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey guys!

You've all been there before, when you have a TON of homework, you have a million different projects going on at one time, and other stuff. I mean, seriously. I'm screaming"STRESS STRESS STRESS" right now. It also doesn't help to be Asian. I know the homework's supposed to make you smart and all that, but do we really need to have homework in every single subject every day? Yeah, every day; teachers assign us homework TO DO OVER THE WEEKEND! Sheesh! Can't you at least assign a certain subject to do on a certain day? Science on Monday, English on Tuesday, etc etc. My stress level has gotten SO high that I've even searched on the internet for calming sounds, like bird chirps or something. Here's the website I found: I'm currently using "flute song." It sorta helps... Or I just pound out my fury on Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2. That works also xD (btw im not very good. bad hand-eye coordination xD)

Nothing else to say except that I'm going to fail every class this year (of course not! But it sure feels like it).

I'll be back tomorrow, guys...well maybe not tomorrow...but I'll be back...someday.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Pah. I'm so new to blogging, it's not even funny.

Anyways, I really don't want to bore holes in you with the details of my life. So I'll just keep everything general >>;;

One day I was riding the bus home and this thought popped into my mind. To all the girls and boys out there; you know how people ask you who you like, and you say you don't like anyone, but you really do? I mean, come on! You have to like someone! Think about it. You might not even know it. But that girl/boy always makes you feel like crud when you're around them, and they always seem so graceful (for the girls) and cute (for the boys). By the way, do any of you boys like being called cute? I mean, seriously. I even looked up "cute" in the dictionary. Cute - attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness (ex. a cute kid with pigtails). I really don't think any boys would like to be called cute, except from the girls they like (I know you like someone out there, people! YOU CANNOT DENY IT!!!). Boys are so stubborn. Sheesh. But "cute" is starting to become very common...Pretty much nobody calls boys "handsome" anymore. That's too old, like Edward Cullen xD Just kidding.

If any of you are interested in this blog, thank you. Actually, I don't think anybody will comment or read this >.<

Ahh well...I'll be back tomorrow...