Saturday, March 7, 2009


Pah. I'm so new to blogging, it's not even funny.

Anyways, I really don't want to bore holes in you with the details of my life. So I'll just keep everything general >>;;

One day I was riding the bus home and this thought popped into my mind. To all the girls and boys out there; you know how people ask you who you like, and you say you don't like anyone, but you really do? I mean, come on! You have to like someone! Think about it. You might not even know it. But that girl/boy always makes you feel like crud when you're around them, and they always seem so graceful (for the girls) and cute (for the boys). By the way, do any of you boys like being called cute? I mean, seriously. I even looked up "cute" in the dictionary. Cute - attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness (ex. a cute kid with pigtails). I really don't think any boys would like to be called cute, except from the girls they like (I know you like someone out there, people! YOU CANNOT DENY IT!!!). Boys are so stubborn. Sheesh. But "cute" is starting to become very common...Pretty much nobody calls boys "handsome" anymore. That's too old, like Edward Cullen xD Just kidding.

If any of you are interested in this blog, thank you. Actually, I don't think anybody will comment or read this >.<

Ahh well...I'll be back tomorrow...

1 comment:

mathnerd3 said...

You can say that again...